
Friday, November 25, 2011

Sneak Peek!

I thought some might like to see this.
Interweave Press recently released this preview of our upcoming book.
Here's a sneak peek look! Enjoy and let me know what you think!


  1. Hi Erin, thanks for the sneak looks awesome...i already have mine pre-ordered :)
    i can't wait :) ttfn Lana

  2. OOOO!!! I love sneak peeks. Looks great!!!

  3. thanks for the little sneak peek..can't wait.

  4. Thank you for the sneak peek! I can't wait to see the whole book!

  5. Looks great. I am going to order it!! Thank you for the sneak peek.

  6. .....And I wrote about it in my blog "Beadwork by Miri Agassi"... you are invited to have a look

  7. Wowl Erin. The layout and colors are really great - not to mention the jewelry! : ) Interweave is rocking it with the cover and sneak peak. I am excited my silk wrap bracelet made it in the preview! So happy for you and Lorelei.

  8. Oh I'm longing to own a copy of this book. Not only does it look absolutely wonderful layout design and photography wise, but also the projects you present look absolutely gorgeous. Everything is so beautiful about it. I have not ordered my copy yet. But I will now. How would I go about to get a copy signed by you both?

  9. What's a wonderful pieces! So cute so charming! These projects looks absolutely great. I admire your designs of jewelry. Greetings!

  10. These are so nice, Erin. The Delicate Things necklace you created is absolutely gorgeous!! Congrats on the book, it looks fabulous!

  11. Erin, the book is beautiful. The colors, design and font are so eye-catching...and that's before you even open to the first page! I think you, the contributors, and Interweave have certainly teamed up to create a book that will be a hit in the jewelry community (and beyond!).

  12. So thrilled to get a peak inside of your book. Looks like you and Lorelei did a wonderful job! I really like the design; colors/textures, font and layout. Very earthy feel. I had put this on my Christmas wish list not realizing it isn't available until May 2012! Looks like it will be well worth the wait!


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